

Entries in L.A. Dodgers (2)


Jello Shot Baseball Field

Some fans at the Dodger's game spent some quality time making a baseball field out of jello shots!


Dodgers Do Away With Tailgating Before Games

Manny Ramirez Stadium FightIf you are thinking about getting down to Dodger Stadium before game time to sip down some American brouhaha before watching America's pastime, think again! We can't help but think it had something to do with the moron dressed up as Manny Ramirez who threw his beer at the cop, causing a melee during the final game of the N.L.C.S. last year. As Pam said on "The Office" on Thursday night, "When a child gets behind the wheel of a car, and runs the car into a tree, you don't blame the child. He didn't know any better. You blame the 30-year-old woman, who got in the passenger seat and said 'Drive, kid.'" Here is the official statement from the organization:

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