

Entries in Alcohol (1)


City May OK Alcohol at Some Boise State Football Tailgating

People have been partying before Broncos games for years, and they're not going to stop. So city officials wonder if legalizing the activity in certain areas and keeping an eye on it is better than penalizing a few hundred people a year for what has become a Boise tradition.

"We know there's a lot of tailgate drinking that happens in these games and, you know, we think that's part of what makes Bronco football great," city spokesman Adam Park said.The proposal is still preliminary, so its details are subject to change.

The rough idea is to allow drinking in public places surrounding the stadium for about four hours before kickoff at the Broncos' 2013 games. Popular tailgating areas that could be in the legal zone include the eastern half of Julia Davis Park and parking lots south and east of the stadium.

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